Couponers United

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Marcal celebrates Earth Month!


Head over HERE and become a fan of Marcal on Facebook! 

This year in particular is extra exciting for Marcal as it marks the 40th Anniversary of Earth Day and the 60thAnniversary of Marcal…a combined 100 Years of Green!
Marcal has  created a “Marcal-endar” that I thought may be interesting for you!  It has a month full of recycling facts & tips.

1 comment:

  1. There is no such thing as a "green" paper company. That is impossible - they destroy everything around them, whether they recycle or not. It is purely a marketing ploy. And insulting for them to claim to be "green".

    Marcal recycles because it is cheaper to do so. So the way to sell an inferior product, but still make money, is to convince the consumer they are helping the environment by using their product. Even though that is a bold faced lie.

    Marcal has contributed to massive air and water pollution, and continues to do so. But they are eco- friendly? That is tough for me to believe.

    This is a plain and simple marketing ploy. They could care less about the environment, and all their actions show it. Anyone who buys into that message is a fool, and doing a disservice to those who really care about the environment, and our children. Take the time and look it up. The answer is to use less paper. Paper towels, napkins and facial tissues are all easily replaced. For toilet paper, buy a bidet. But don’t buy into Marcals lies about them being “green”. That is an out and out lie.
