Couponers United

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

WALGREENS- another Money Maker!


Pantene trial size shampoo & conditioners are priced at $1.09 - $1.29 AND according to Abundant Food Savings Blog-they are triggering a $2 Register Reward for this week's buy 2 get $2 deal!!!

Buy 2 = $2.18
- $2.58
use $1 off 2 form the 10/11 Procter & gamble insert
Pay $1.18 or $1.58
Receive $2RR
PROFIT of .42 - .82 (before tax)

Remember: always give manuf coupon before store coupon and make sure you have a filler item to use the overage on!


  1. Are the wags coupons in the walgreens november coupon booklet walgreens store coupons or manufactors coupons? because I tryed using the wags coupon for a 1$ off two glade products & a glade manufactors coupon & the casher scaned the glade manufactors coupon first, then she looked at the wags glade coupon & told me I could not use the wags glade coupon because the wags coupon is a manufactors coupon & I could not use both coupons & I looked at the wags coupon & could not see anywhere on the coupon stating it's a manufactor or a store coupon please help me understand this.

  2. They are manufacturer's coupons. I tried to do the same on another product and that's what I was told. The coupons say "Manufacturer coupon good only at Walgreens. Not valid with any other offer." THese are the ones in the green Nov. walgreens book.

  3. You can use both, just buy a cheap filler items so that you end up with one coupon per item. You can't have more coupons than you have items.

  4. I had more items than coupons & was also told that I could not use the wags coupon w/ the other manufacturer coupons I had...bummer...
