Couponers United

Friday, May 8, 2009

Weekly Savingsd

This is my first week at keeping track of my spending/saving on groceries & health/beauty aids.
My plan is to post on Fridays, how much I've spent over the past 7 days and how much I've saved. This week, I just have the numbers, next week I will be more organized & will give more info (how much at each store etc)

Target, Publix, KMart Walgreens Out of Pocket Spending Total: $26.69
Total saved: $219.97

The above amount does not include RRs spent or earned, or gift cards earned through previous deals. I will ONLY be posting money actually spent OUT OF POCKET to make it easier to follow.
The total saved includes sales, coupons, etc, basically the amount at the bottom of the receipt that says "you saved xxx"

Next week this will be much cleaner! Im still figuring out the best ways to track this.


  1. i want to track mine too will you post how too:)

  2. I promise I will as soon as I figure out the best way to do it. All I did this week was keep my receipts! :)
