Couponers United

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

CHEAP Ice Cream at Walmart

So, I got an anonymous comment about this deal! (THANK YOU-ANONYMOUS!)

Breyers PINTs are only $1.53 at Walmart, use the $1.50 from the Publix coupon booklet (family is it's own reward book) and pay only .03 !!!!

Im going to check out my local Walmart TONIGHT! This is a great deal. Especially with a boyscout ice cream social coming up!


  1. Thank you. Thats a great deal. I was going to get the Edys but maybe i will do this instead. pleeeez let us know what you find today.

  2. I think you "anonymous" tip may have been from Natasha since she called me from Walmart the other day to tell me not to buy from PX. lol
